Negative architecture, and assumptions about code

Posted on by Matthias Noback

In "Negative Architecture", Michael Feathers speaks about certain aspects of software architecture leading to some kind of negative architecture. Feathers mentions the IO Monad from Haskell (functional programming) as an example, but there are parallel examples in object-oriented programming. For example, by using layers and the dependency inversion principle you can "guarantee" that a certain class, in a certain layer (e.g. domain, application) won't do any IO - no talking to a database, no HTTP requests to some remote service, etc.

[...] guarantees form a negative architecture - a set of things that you know can’t happen in various pieces of your system. The potential list is infinite but that doesn’t stop this perspective from being useful. If you’re using a particular persistence technology in one part of your system, it is valuable to be able to say that it is only used in that place and no place else in the system. The same can be true of other technologies. Knowing what something is not able to do reduces the number of pitfalls. It puts architecture on solid ground.

I find that this is a great advantage of making any kind of agreement between team members: about design principles being applied, where to put certain classes, etc. Even making a clear distinction between different kinds of tests can be very useful. It's good to know that if a test is in the "unit test" directory, it won't do any IO. These tests are just some in-memory verifications of specified object behavior. So we should be able to run them in a very short amount of time, with no internet connection, no dependent services up and running, etc.

A negative architecture is what's "between the lines". You can look at all the code and describe a positive architecture for it, but given certain architecture or design rules, there's also the background; things we can be sure will never happen. Like a User entity sending an email. Or an HTML template doing a database migration. Or an HTTP client wiping out the entire disk drive. And so on and so on; I'm sure you can think of some other funny stuff that could happen (and that would require instant, nightmarish fixing).

It all sounds really absurd, but tuned down a little, these examples are actually quite realistic if you work with a legacy project that's in a bad shape. After all, these scenarios are all possible. Developers could've implemented them if they wanted to. We can never be certain that something is definitely not happening in our system. In particular if we don't have tests for that system. We can only have a strong feeling that something won't be happening.

The legacy project I'm working on these days isn't quite as bad as the ones we're fantasizing about now. But still, every now and then I stumble upon an interesting class, method, statement, which proves that my picture of the project's "negative architecture" isn't accurate enough. This always comes with the realization that "apparently, this can happen". Let's take a look at a few examples.

"An object does nothing meaningful in its constructor"

I've learned over time to "do nothing" in my constructor; just to accept constructor arguments and assign them to properties. Like this:

final class SomeService
    private $foo;
    private $bar;

    public function __construct($foo, $bar)
        $this->foo = $foo;
        $this->bar = $bar;

Recently, I replaced some static calls to a global translator function by calls to an injected translator service, which I added as a new constructor argument. At the last line of the constructor I assigned the translator service to a new attribute (after all, that's what I've learned to do with legacy code - add new things at the end):

final class SomeService
    // ...

    private $translator;

    public function __construct(..., Translator $translator)
        // ...

        $this->translator = $translator;

However, it turned out that the method that needed the (now injected) translator, was already called in the constructor:

public function __construct(..., Translator $translator)
    // ...

    $this->translator = $translator;

So before I assigned the translator to its dedicated attribute, another method attempted to use it already. This resulted in a nasty, fatal runtime error. It made me realize that my assumption was that in this project, a constructor would never do something. So even though this was a very rare case, it is something to be aware of: apparently I don't have a fully accurate picture of the "negative" architecture of the system.

By the way, the general rule that nothing gets done inside a constructor, has a related rule, which follows from it: assigning values to attributes doesn't have to happen in a specific order. I want this to be the case, since I want to have the option of swapping the order when it enhances readability.

"An object doesn't also fetch dependencies statically if it also gets any number of dependencies injected"

Related to the story about my misunderstanding of constructor arguments in some parts of the project, is the implicit rule I thought would apply to every class in the project: an object will get all its dependencies injected. I would at least like it if every object was designed like that. But I've learned to be sceptical when I encounter a service class with no (or weird) constructor arguments:

class LegacyService
    public function __construct()
        // ...

Since this is a service, I expect it to do something with the help of some other objects. Apparently, it doesn't get those objects injected, so I assume it fetches them from a global static place (see also my previous article "Road to dependency injection").

When looking at a class and seeing that some of its dependencies get injected, I will conclude that all of its dependencies get injected. I don't expect any of its methods to make a call to the service locator. So this is another example of negative design: we're assuming that something can never happen. I don't need to explain to you how my assumption turned out to be wrong on several occasions...

"If a class is not marked final, it has at least one subclass"

Something that has changed for me personally over the last couple of years is my use of the final keyword in front of a class declaration. There are excellent reasons for doing so, which can be summarized as: the option to extend a class should be one of its explicit use cases. It should be consciously designed to be possible to extend a class; it should not be possible by-default.

This would be an excellent example of a negative architecture: "you'll find that we never extend classes, except when they are non-final". Nowadays, when I see a "naked" class declaration, I'm assuming it will have at least one subclass. If it doesn't, also in a legacy project, I add final to it, as a first step to protect its design and prevent abuse.

Anyway, to make the distinction more clear between a class with subclasses and a class without any subclasses by design, you should make potential parent classes abstract.

"If a property is not marked "private", it's used by at least one subclass"

In the same spirit, I noticed that when I see a protected attribute, I assume that it's needed and actually used by one of the subclasses. Of course, in the real world, it turns out that often there aren't even any subclasses, but these properties are just protected by-default. If you can apply this rule to your project, it will be extremely useful. One helpful aspect is that your IDE or static analysis tool will be able to mark certain properties as unused (e.g. only used in the constructor) or as dynamically declared (e.g. not declared, but defined ad hoc).

class LegacyClass
     * Is this property protected on purpose or by-default?
     * The class isn't final, so... I guess it's on purpose.
    protected $foo;

"An abstract class won't use methods that aren't part of its published interface"

There's a lot that I/we don't expect a class to do. One of these things is: calling a method that hasn't been defined first. The fun thing is, PHP being a dynamic language, it's totally possible to make a call in a parent class to a method that only gets defined in a subclass (or in a trait):

abstract class Foo
    public function foo()

    // bar() is strictly speaking not known to Foo

final class Bar extends Foo
    // bar() is only defined in subclasses of Foo

    public function bar()
        // ...

$foo = new Foo();
// not a problem at all!

Since PHP is a dynamic language, and everything only gets resolved at runtime, it's not a problem that bar() is an unknown method to Foo; as long as it's available at runtime. However, using this dynamic language trick isn't considered any form of reasonable practice at all, so when reading code, most of us will not even consider this a possibility.

However - you can already see it coming - I introduced a bug while refactoring a piece of code, doing exactly this, while apparently not all subclasses had this particular method. I thought this rule definitely belonged to the negative architecture of the application: no class would use a method that's not part of the published interface.

"If an object has one public method, it won't have any public static methods"

In my world, there are two types of classes:

  1. Classes which need to be instantiated and then offer one or more object or instance methods.
  2. Classes which don't need to be or can't be instantiated, but still offer one or more static methods.

I consider mixing these two characteristics bad design. However, you can do it. It's just that, nobody does it. Except when they do. Again, I introduced a regression in our code base, because I assumed all the classes to obey my classification. Again, it would be an awesome rule to be able to trust blindly.

Note that an important exception to this rule would be a named constructor, which is by definition a public static method. I find that domain objects can benefit from such a static method. So probably the first type of classes should be described as: "Classes which need to be instantiated (possibly using one or more static, named constructor methods) and then offer one or more object or instance methods." (thanks for the hint, Sylvain Robez-Masson!).


I think "negative architecture" is an interesting way to look at applications. Also, enumerating the above examples was a surprising exercise for me. As far as I remember, these rules aren't written down in any of the big programming books. But we still live by them, and create ourselves an image of what is and is not in our applications; what can or can't happen in them. This is very helpful, because it makes it safer for us to make changes to the code. So it would be a good idea to verify and enforce these rules on a regular basis, when doing refactoring, and while doing code reviews.

Another thought I just had: for most - if not all - of the examples above one could easily write a static analyzer, looking for cases of them in a given code base (or extend existing ones like PHP_Codesniffer or PhpStan).

PHP Domain-Driven Design OOP object design
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José Luís Vaquero Cuevas

Sorry for necroposting but this topic fascinates me.

In software development; modeling a system (architecture included) is creation by subtraction. When you sit in front of a blank text editor window everything is possible. A pig can fly ( ) or teleport ( pig.location = "Spain" ), a pig can be in two locations at the same time! ( farm1.addPig(myPig); farm2.addPig(myPig) ) and so on.

A developer is not creating things, he/she is just adding constraints to the endless posibilities.

The best metaphor I found of this comes from The God Theory book. It says that our universe is created just by adding constraints to the endless posibilities in the quantum sea and the metaphor the author is using is the old photographic slide. The slide projector's white light is the quantum sea and by using color filters (the image transparency), hence subtracting some of the light, you can create any image in the wall.

Matthias Noback

Thanks for sharing!


In the general sense, your rule "An object does nothing meaningful in its constructor" makes a lot of sense. A constructor should be constructing the object, not doing things. However, there is another related rule that I follow that your story about code being called in the contstructor that expected a variable was already set reminds me of. This rule is, never call a non-static instance method of a class from its' constructor. If you do, you are breaking encapsulation. All instance methods should be able to assume that when the are called, they are acting on a completely constructed object. You introduce too many potentially broken pre-conditions when you don't follow that rule. Now if you also follow your rule about no public static methods other than factory methods, that static method would typically need to be private. While I am not at all opposed to calling private static methods from the constructor, if they are only being used to help finish constructing the class, even that could be a code smell, but I haven't given that much thought. It would be awesome if there was a rule for this in PHPStan, Psalm (more strict and intelligent that PHPStan), PHP Mess Detector, Phlint (never could get it to work at all, but seems competent), or PhpStorm code analysis (they have a whole slew of different analysis you can configure/save and run from rule set files), although I'm not aware of one.


I've been applying that classes should be final by default rule for some time now, and then started taking it to the next level. Recently, every class I make is either abstract or final, never somewhere in between. Actually I'm thinking about experimenting with making a simple grep command we run as a poor man's linter that shows any class that is neither final nor abstract as an error.


One interesting case I ran into was where I needed to instantiate an abstract class, but for reasons, still wanted it to be abstract. What I did was create a subclass of it that did absolutely nothing except declare itself final. In the end, I liked the code design, but it does come off like you have no idea what you are doing when someone not familiar with this way of thinking sees this seemingly useless class. But I used it as a way to have the option to have a type declaration that declares itself as specifically as possible, as the instantiated type, and definitely not as one of the other subclasses of the abstract class.

Matthias Noback

Thanks for sharing how you've been thinking and dealing with this kind of stuff!


Great article ! Thanks.

Matthias Noback

Thanks for letting me know!

Lars Moelleken

Hi, first thanks for the article... are you using any e.g. Code Fixer rules to automatically apply this "rules" (e.g. for add the "final"-keyword to the class that has no subclasses)?

Matthias Noback

I was hinting at it, but don't use anything at the moment. Should be possible to write something for PHPStan and the likes. In fact, that would be very helpful in taming that legacy code base and reduce the number of surprising techniques used ;)


Hi Matthias. Your point about enumerising the above is interesting as, being a good programmer and following all these rules can sometimes be a daunting task and sometimes we can slip. Have you thought about making a best practice cheat sheet to help us keep to the rules? Or are you aware of a resource that can be used without having to wade through the swathes of the Internet?

Matthias Noback

Not that I know of, it would be a very interesting resource though. A bit opinionated I guess, but useful. Will keep it on the list of things to do one day :)


I'll argue with the argument of not combining public and public static methods in one class. This is up to developer to combine this, at least there is a case of having, for example, singleton class?


Agreed. If a method has no effect on the object's state, it ought to be declared as static. As simple as that. It's a way to describe intent.

Matthias Noback

I'm not a fan of singleton, so to me it makes no sense. In fact, I would add another rule for code bases: "no singleton classes" ;) I find it very confusing if only part of the public methods are related to an instance of the class.


I have worked on a couple of legacy projects and all of these things was there. And also even more:)

So when you start working on such projects you shouldn't presume anything, it is easier that way:)

Matthias Noback

Hehe, yes, it's true - assume nothing, verify everything :)

Keith Mifsud

I agree that each project should have specific rules like you have detailed here but I don't agree that these rules always apply or are always ideal. For example, in DDD I add init rules in constructor of almost every Value Object.

Matthias Noback

Okay, I should've made that more clear. The constructor still counts as a method, and just like any other method should be allowed to do precondition/postcondition assertions. So in fact, you shouldn't only be allowed to assign values. I think a better rule would be something like: a constructor shouldn't call any method, neither on the constructed object, nor on the objects passed in as arguments.

Sylvain Robez-Masson (srm)

About : "If an object has one public method, it won't have any public static methods"

How do you handle named constructor ?

Matthias Noback

That's the exception to the rule; I'll add a comment about that, thanks for mentioning it.