Posts in category PHP
March 2021
Book excerpt - Decoupling from infrastructure, Conclusion
Categories: PHP Tags: hexagonal architecture object-oriented programming decoupling
Testing your controllers when you have a decoupled core
Categories: PHP Tags: testing hexagonal architecture controller
February 2021
Does it belong in the application or domain layer?
Categories: PHP Tags: architecture layers
Excerpt from PHP for the Web: Error handling
Categories: PHP Tags: error handling exceptions
Talk review: Thomas Pierrain at DDD Africa
Categories: PHP Tags: hexagonal architecture decoupling testing
Successful refactoring projects - The Mikado Method
Categories: PHP Tags: legacy legacy code refactoring
Successful refactoring projects - Set the right goal
Categories: PHP Tags: legacy legacy code refactoring
Successful refactoring projects - Prepare to stop at any time
Categories: PHP Tags: legacy legacy code refactoring
Should we use a framework?
Categories: PHP Tags: architecture framework decoupling