Docker & Docker Swarm

The ideal occasion to finally get started with Docker! You'll learn everything you need to know to start using Docker in a professional environment. I'll provide some general background information, but we will mainly take the time to make ourselves familiar with the docker command line tool and the Dockerfile configuration format.

To keep your sanity, you'll also need to learn Docker Compose, which lets you define multiple containers and their images as services, with lots of interesting configuration options, all in one silly Yaml file! We'll cover this configuration file format, the docker compose command line tool, and we'll take a closer look at Docker networking and volumes.

During the last part of this workshop you will learn about Docker Machine and how it can help you prepare your servers for container-based deployments. Then you will get yourself acquainted with the Swarm Mode of the Docker Engine. You will deploy services to virtualized servers on your own machine (which is just as easy as deploying to an actual cloud server it turns out).

  • 05/03/2018 SymfonyLive Phantasialand, Brühl (DE) feedback
  • 11/16/2017 Mendix, Rotterdam (NL)
  • 10/12/2017 Mendix, Rotterdam (NL)
  • 09/30/2017 Noback's Office, Zeist (NL) code 1 code 2 code 3