Advanced Web Application Architecture

This talk will be an in-depth discussion of the three layers that constitute a layered architecture: the Domain, Application, and Infrastructure layer. We'll discuss how hexagonal architecture ("ports & adapters") will be a great addition to the layering style.

You'll find out how you can:

  • Keep your domain model clean, free from infrastructural concerns,
  • Model your application's use cases as application services,
  • Connect your application and domain layers to the world outside, using port adapters.
Note: There is also an "Advanced Web Application Architecture" training program.
  • 11/27/2019 TechNight at, Rotterdam website video (Dutch)
  • 11/21/2019 SymfonyCon, Amsterdam website
  • 11/13/2019 PHP Barcelona website video
  • 11/11/2019 Docplanner meetup, Barcelona website
  • 10/24/2019 Full Stack Europe, Antwerp website
  • 10/15/2019 Tech Tuesday meetup at Freshheads, Breda website
  • 05/09/2019 Full Stack meetup at Way2Web, Utrecht website slides